Sunday, June 20, 2004

The Lone Bus Ride

Sitting on the bus or rather standing which is my usual practice, is a rather interesting experience.

I'd stand and watch the people around me and wonder. Which is why i like to sit right in front on the seat that is facing the rest of the bus. The fun comes in the fact that because it is elevated i can get a good view of everyone.

Please dun be mistaken, i'm not some perverted peeping tom or voyeur, i just like looking at people. And i'm rather systemic about it too!

I start at the feet. Don't ask me why, i usually tell people apart by shoe if i can't make the face out.

You can tell alot about people from their toes. You can easily tell the type of work they do. The type of place they work at and especially their hygiene. Ladies of course bare toes more often than guys but all the same their interesting.

There are the sport shoes that have seen no sports. The worn too often pair of converse sneakers deemed too fashionable though disgusting. The bulging skethcers skate shoes that were padded to protect feet but are worn so loosely that they would cause sprains. The mended pumps that fit very well and are too sentimental to throw. The over stretched sandals that have seen plenty a wet market. The tasteful 1 inch heels that are rather annoying when they start clacking over the floor but add that essential lift in height. They all tell their story.

The toes tell lots more. There are the chipped toe nails from hours infront of the tv. The cracking heals and dead skin after long hours or years on the move. The delicately fresh nail paint with the dainty flowers, too fresh for work, very pretty for a date. Or the occasional bundle of bandage around the smashed toe after a solid tackle. Everyone leads a different life.

I usually skip the legs but I do take peculiar curiosity if the legs are shaven or waxed. You'd be surprised to see the number of men have waxed lower legs and yet have very hairy arms heh.

Abdomens dun tell much unless exposed. And most of the time i would rather ignore that part. Way too many people flatter their figures. And most obviously don't know where the mid rift begins and ends. I sure as hell don't want to see what brand of "inner garment" you wear; male or female for that matter.

However, at this point of time, clothes become very interesting. I don't so much as look out if people are fashionable, but one does realise that no one wears things the same way. So it's interesting to see how t-shirts are worn pulled back or stretched side ways, tucked out or folded. Shirt come with the sleeves either all the way doen or folded at 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4 way and usually they have something to do with the length of the tie. The longer the tie the longer the sleeve. Tan lines are also rather interesting. It's very amusing to see guy wearing sleeveless tanks when they obviously have no tan line or tan for that matter to show for. Or the mismatched tan lines that girls have that just leaves everyone rathe bewildered as to how they came to be. Sometimes i flash a knowing smile when i see someone of a similar age bearing at two-toned face and fair arms and legs. Cadet.

Now the arms are very very telling. Other than the "finger" which just about nails your status, the definition of each sinew of muscle can tell me if you are just naturally slim (i.e lazy bum) or someone with a serious work out regime.

When i look at the hands, i see some very dextrous fingers, and of course i see those suffering the same problem that i do knuckle cracking, the signs of a very stressed mind or one with a short attention span. I'll go let you guess which one i am. Once again nails are a good place to start but less about what on them but rather what is under. Dark shades can only indicate a number of disgusting habits that i would care less to eloborate but my fascination comes in the fact that i have yet to see a broken nail! you hear them but for all my life i'ver never seen such a thing. And then you see the writing, the phone numbers, chores, lists and names that get written down in all directions that you wonder if the things had been written for you to read. Such busy, and disorganised people. heh.

And finally we reach the face.
Strangely i dun read much on the face. Sure i can look at the detail of everything but they tell significanly little. I often find myself more interested in guessing what they are thinking. Telling a quarrel is rather simple, but it's the blank faces that stare around at the ceiling etc that beg for attention. What are they thinking? What is going on in their minds? What deep secret are they mulling over and tyring so hard to cover with a straight face? Or are the just lost in space, whiling the time away. What is it?
Or maybe their eying me! Guessing what is racing through my mind. YOu'd probably think i'm crazy but hey it's pretty fun. People spotting!

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