Saturday, June 05, 2004


This is perhaps one of the most commonly used and misused words of all times.
And for this reason, it is unlikely to ever be rightfully used. For if from young we are imbibed by negative input from all the "hate" that is declared all around, we are never going to be able to segregate what warrants hate, dislike, abhorrence, detestful etc.

FOr most, hate is simply just anything that is not to our liking.

I have lived a rather hateful life. I have hated, people, things, systems etc.
I have even hated people i liked and still like, hated my family and hated my religion. And why? simply because i said so.

Much of the level of dislike that we stomach towards certain things is possibly more because of how we word our dislike. By saying he HATE something, we automatically imagine it to be totally debase and so negative that nothing can save it from our wrath save our self control. On the reverse, if we say that we merely dislike it, then it becomes something bearable, and possibly likeable given time.

We always tell ourselves, i hate this i hate that, but is it really hate? or are we merely annoyed by it?
Like the america who says that he hates the smell of durian. ONce he has tasted it's flesh, does he still hate it?

Or how we say everyday that we hate school? while most of us end up slogging through it, some use the hate as an excuse to drop out or rather the hate causes them to dislike school so much they find it unbearable to exist in the system.

To use the word 'hate' we are moulding ourselves unknowingly. by just shifting our tunnel to face another light, we might end up as people much happier!

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