Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Take a walk in the moonlight

THought i'd just go on a little ramble.

Take a walk down a moonlit street; you'd notice much more than before.
For in the night your eyes widen, your ears are pricked much like the elves that dance amongst the trees.
You can feel the prick of ice as the night winds stab at hairless skin. You weren't meant to enjoy this. Man wasn't meant to venture out into the night like the wild beast, to forage into not the wilderness but into nature itself. We are not part of nature. We are apart from it. Everything that we are sets us apart from nature. We weren't meant survive; we have no fangs or claws to attack, no scales or hard hide or wooly fur to protect. We are nothing that nature made to exist we were put here to live.
Nor are we meant to enjoy the freedom of the night. The void that permeates the space, the beauty that surrounds the dark dark shadows. By design we are not creatures of the night nor are we masters in the day. We are limited, dependent, weak. With freedom comes responsibility; responsibility to self, to family, the surroundings the sky and the sea and the land. The creatures of the air, earth and water understand that. They are linked in a fragile circle that we intruded into. Like a priceless black pearl, one of the countless treasures of the deep. So common place in the depths, yet it shines in its lightless world. Although none bother about it, it is nonetheless a treasure of the sea that all share. Than man came and took fancy. He dove to retrieve the pearl, killing it's casing, killing the perfect guardian and cradle for the pearl. He would take it out of the sea into the scroching sun where it's real radiance is tarnished by the constant beating down of the sun. He would drill a hole to make a necklace the perfect sphere broken.

Take a walk in the moonlight, you fee like a thief. Walking amongst the outstretched fingers of the wood mages and forest guardians. They mask their movements by swaying with the wind and the kindred of nature would have seen that they were moving close and closer but no you do not. YOU walk and walk, and slowly you cannot see you shadow anymore. The brick path is now broken by roots till it is nothing but a dirt track. You look up and the moon has turned it's face. YOu are alone. In nature. YOu are in a foreign land.
You feel the wrath of revenge touch your spine. You feel the dew of fear form on your bare hands. You shiver.


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