Saturday, May 22, 2004

reporting sick. again

oh well, yeah reported sick on friday. i wasn't sick though i was wishing i was.
went to see the doctor regarding my wrenched arm which was causing a bit of problem and my right leg coz my thigh, hip and groin area were all hurting even when i walked.
so he gave me some muscle rub that actually works. hope it ggets better. hmm i think i mentioned this already.brain degrading into some goop.

anyway yeah today nothing much save for the fact that i watched shrek 2. absolutely hilarious. go watch!

It was only then did i actually notice or rather see her. All this while i had only seen her through the corner of my eye a startled stare, but not the observing gaze i usually placed on people i met.

Dark brown jeans and faded pink tee. But of course it was the red hair that was the centrepiece. Straight and shoulder length, she hadn't tied it but was letting it flow free like the grass.

Although it lashed in the wind with whip like motion, it was still a site of smootheness and grace. i smiled to myself, felt a silly really, don't know why.

The rest of the afternoon would pass pretty much in the same way.

She eventually sat next to me as we continued to stare out into our own space with in the common scenery.

Presently a cloub floated by.
"Looks like my, ship," she said as she tried to hold back back a yawn.

" Is it going anywhere?"

" Well not for now, look the cloud has stopped."

We watched the cloud it's wispy fluff just suspended in the big blue.

Our conversation would divert to clouds, ships, ports of call i would love to be that she had gone to.

we threw blade of grass into the wind to watch them float away.

" try to put one on your palm instead of just tossing it into the air." i commented.

" why? i like it when it tumbles away, not knowing where to go or where it's going. So much excitement, so mcuh anticipation."

" well i like to put all my cares into these blades of grass and as the slip out of my hand, i imagine that mother nature just whisked away another of my loads and i would feel better. It's better than shouting at nothing to get it out. I just let them go"

she tried it and for the rest of the day we would be letting our "care" leafs drift off into the plain, whispering our fears, cares, loads, baggage into them as they were carried away.

Her smile somehow glowed even more, i smiled too. it's nice to see other people happy. i'd get jealous, ultimately of the happiness but as of now, this island had two happy caste aways who weren't just about to leave

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