Sunday, May 02, 2004

Of Incompetent Colleagues and Treacherous Relatives

Okay, so the title totally be-lies the fact that today’s entry is going to be one sour one but I shall at least start it off with something on a happier note.

As mentioned in yesterday’s entry, my team won the relay. Woo Hoo, happy happy! Really happy, my first sports related GOLD medal, (well okay badminton had but it was a trophy so yeah now got medal too!). And I am elated coz really, we bust our butts training. Can you imagine, having to wake up just to reach the training area before 7 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, to make things worst, Tuesday and Thursday nights are nights off. Heh.
Anyhow that was a nice spark in my very very bad week.

Well on with the less dark but still sinister event. Anyhow, just today, went for a really early mother’s day dinner with my grandma and parents. The food was excellent and the service was well….. excellent as well! Yeah but oh well the stupid thing that was on my mind was my stupid cousin. (No I’m not being incestful if anyone is to think so.)

Anyway, before I carry on, you’re prob going to see a side of me that you rarely do. I got insanely jealous and I do mean really really GREEN. So yeah, just take it that it’s just a side of me that makes a guest appearance once in a while and then takes a bow.

On with the story:
Yeah so from the start of the dinner, actually during the whole car ride it was like that already. My grandma broke the news to us that my estranged cousins (just guess the back ground from the word I dun want to explain) were visiting my grandma again. And well the oldest one of them told her that she was getting married. To her blasted (he’s not blasted I’m just sore) JC sweetheart my grandma was going on and on about, and how my couz flashed her rock, how she told her soppy story about how she had “WAITED” for him in the US while he was in NS. YAY. Anyhow, yah. You’d probably be thinking “ What the hell is wrong with Mok, his couz gets hitched, why is he sulking?”
Well simply put, the word estranged is the key. For all my life (okay so maybe only 18 years of this life) this couz and her siblings have never visited, called or let alone known the existence of my grandma. All of a sudden last year, they make some sudden appearance in my grandma’s life. Yeah so basically I can’t stand them sucking up to her after having abandoned her for so bloody long. What they want with her I dunno. And really, she like called my grandma and was saying things like “you sure like him one” and all that nonsense.
And well here come’s the part that ticked me off.
My parents decided to tell my grandma that I had gotten a scholarship and that I had shook hands with dpm and was giving her a photo of the event. Much as I dun talk about it, I am extremely proud of that moment, really really really proud. Really, like defining moment of my 20 years of existence so far. Perhaps almost as great as commissioning. So yeah. It was a big deal to me, real big deal. Hey I dun want like my grandma to fawn over it or anything, but yeah at least take SOME delight for crying out loud. BUT NOOOOOOOO all the first thing that came out of her mouth was how tired dpm looked. Then she went on to say how unlucky he was, then something about how other people were sometimes cursing him and how bad that was. Then she turned to talking about meeting a taxi driver who said that Singapore had bad luck over the recent spate of accidents and then she went back to my couz’s wedding.
Oh for all the injustice in the world, the fact that I would be going overseas to study was totally dismissed. Unlike when my older male cousin, (the a/m cousin’s younger brother) announced he was going to Tazmania to study medicine (poor sod couldn’t get into med here or anywhere else and wanted no wait more like demanded and emotionally blackmailed his dad to support him.) my grandma nearly flipped and was like all over the matter. Ah well.
I’ve kind run out of steam about the issue and I dun want to talk about it, its’ a family thing shan’t say more, this is enough off my chest.

OKAY now on to the incompetent colleagues. (Yes it’s now a plural)
Back in cadet days these two SOBs (please please forgive the language from now on) were already rather useless but now that we’re all working they are even worst. I am currently handling 4 projects at the same time and it’s killing me. So when there was one day when I had to go out of camp to represent my unit at a track and field meet (actually I was there ot supervise our participants) I told the guy to cover for me for a particular issue coz he was in the same committee. I gave him very simple but complete instructions (let’s call this colleague J) which was basically all I knew my self. I left camp at 715 in the morning and he called me to ask for confirmation at 0930. I repeated my instructions. When I got back at 1630, he was lounging in his seat when I entered his office (which isn’t mine I was looking for someone else as I was already on another project) he casually told me that he had received the info I was looking for but hadn’t seen my boss for instructions which I had specifically told him to do so and then he sent me this INSOLENT email in which he told me that I should hurry the thing that I had asked him to do. Blasted peace of humus. SO strangely the thing I’m more pissed about I spend less talking about. Strange ain’t it? Ah well.

Yep this tirade ends here as of now

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