Sunday, May 16, 2004


Yes my dear friends, i'm bitter. I am SO bitter.

Quite honestly, these weekend has been hell. Yes as usual I've learnt some thing but over all i feel like trash.

Let's start off with work. Dang-it, I get given a project to work on, i rush it in 3 days and finally get told to over haul it at the last minute, which mean ti had to work over the weekend or most of saturday at least. SIGH.......

Anyhow that was just a gripe.
Why am i bitter this weekend?

Well for starters, i got a rather sickening email from a friend (close one) with an attachment about something that I'm known to be rather sore about. And well, yeah i guess you could say i wasn't particularly happy about the insensitivity.

Anyhow, yeah that just set the mood for the entire week really.Then come saturday this a**hole (i have to swear i'm so sorry i really detest this guy) forgets he has duty. Basically my duty is on sunday and this sod happily goes off for a long weekend (unofficial of course, he's just a lazy bum looking to skive off as and when he can) so he forgets and then i have to cover for him. I was so damn gleeful at the fact that he would get in trouble but then I just HAD TO BE NICE not to rat on him. I DUNNO why i really DUNNO WHY I JUST COULDN'T rat on him. I DUNNO, i hate his guts and really so what if i have to face him for another year, I dun care. As far as I'm concerned I can live with this ass for the next year and not talk to him coz after that HE'LL be OUT OF MY LIFE. He can go and live in his (oh I dun club that much but i still tried to pick up girls there) or his ( oh she's not my gf but we broke and i walk around with my arm around her waist nonsense sheesh!) world for all I CARE!
Anyhow, so i had to cover his sorry a**. Luckily nothing happened but yeah. In the end it was quite okay coz i had to work late anyway so i actually saved time. But what ticked me off was that he didn't even inform me that when we swapped he had gotten someone else to cover for him on my original day. So by 730 am i was waiting to file my report thinking he was coming in but when the new duty officer came i had to call to change the name i had entered. ARGH ARHG ARHG ARHG DEATH TO HIM!!!!!!

I could have just made him sign 14 for that. ARGH ARGH ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah well. HAVEN'T you wondered? Why is it always the GOOD people like us, the ones who play by the rules and are generally nice and cooperative that always end up the suckers? WHy why why? WHy is vengeance only God's and not mine own? I am pretty glad i didn't rat on him, I mean, gloating over my short term revenge would only drive my hatred more but really! I just want my justice. THere really isn't any payback for being GOOD. like i mean where's the justice and rewards for righteousness!!!!
I know where it is, yes i do but really, it just eats me that the scumbags always get way with taking shortcuts.Like this guy faked mc to skip two compulsory events! ARGH!!!!!!

Oh well if you manage to see what i learnt from the above rant then i suppose that's good. if not well then just take it that i'm just being whiney

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