Sunday, May 09, 2004

How do you relate to others

Hey ho there *wave*!

Well today there won't be any notes on the sermon because i was just so dead tired that i only caught the first half and missed the rest. So sad....

Anyhow, am going to just share some of the things that i learnt in church though while teaching my class. (Yes i teach a class of sec one kids)

Anyhow, how do you relate to people? To those around you, to your family to your friends, to absolute strangers?

Do you possess a right attitude and relationship with those around you?

i suppose i'd like to share what it means for me to have a right relationship with people.
IN large i used to think that as long as i was nice and cordial overall, then it would be okay. However, as i have seen over the past two decades, that is just not enough.

i'm a very vengeful person, who although forgives, no wait, that's wrong. i forgive, certain people. But there have been a lot of people who have crossed paths with me whom i am just not ready to forgive, and i doubt i will for a long time to come.

I dunno when this started but it's not right. I have come to see that it just makes me very miserable. i don't know why i seem to have this conflict of interest with the people around me but that just happens to be the case. i hate a lot and it's something that really eats me.

well, as you would have noticed, i've been writing a lot about forgiving people and stuff that's a lot to do with how we relate to people especially in conflict. And how we can actually get along better with people. Of course most of it is christian in nature because I'm christian and if there's anything that should govern my life, it would be my religion.

I never really thought much about how my relationship with God corresponded with how i dealt with other people. But recently i have come to see that they are actually directly proportional in relation.

First of all we look at the ten commandments. Other than the first four that state:
1. You shall have no other God's before me
2. You shall not make nor worship an image of me nor idols
3. You shall keep the sabbath holy
4. You shall not use my name in vain

The rest all deal with how we relate to others! Do not steal, do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not covet another's property, do not give false testimony!

And when it came to the greatest commandment, God first told us to love him, and then to love each other.

It then dawned on me that as long as i was right with God in my relationship then i'd be right with people.

Of course, even Jesus had his detractors and enemies, and i too will face them. But I see that God is there for me to help deal with them.

I know it will be hard to change but well i still have to try and i know that i can only get happier.

How about you?

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