Tuesday, May 11, 2004

FIrst Love

Admitedly, most of you have experienced this before. But i bet if we all had te chance we'd do anything to experience 1st love again. Of at leat the that period of time when love 1st began. Which is something that i will attempt to do now.

For those of you way past this point, this is just a nice time to reminiscent but hoepfully it has no negative effects. For the others who have not gone through the baptism of fire of a relationship, this will be a fore taste of what to expect.

First love is the worst of all Firsts. It's like an;n exaggeration of all first experiences. And most difinitely the prelude to a whole hosts of firsts *hint hint sly wink*

Your first day at school is very much like yor first love; you eagerly anticipate the day. It occupies your whole mind and it is all you ever think about. Everything you see reminds you about it, every single song reminds you about him or her (hang on all songs now adays are all stupid ballads). It is an all encampassing feeling that is near the point of strangulation. THat's when it kinda becomes like hypoxephelia. (FOr those who don't know what this is ask me in private)

ANyhow yes so all you ever think about is the first love. Whether it is reciprocated or not is immaterial. At this point of time, everyone becomes the hero or heroine that will swim the oceans and pluck the moon. Trust me, such nonsensical phrases are bound to slip out of your tongue, if it doesn't, force it out, it's fun heh.

How about the cute little gifts? YEs well all start incurring a budget deficit where governmental spending is eating into strategic reserves.And it HAS to be handmade, if it isn't it's smirks of insincerity and general classifies oyu as a no hope lover. Even if it's for someone who has NO interest in you, it's bound to have SOME effect. Whether they are embarrassed or touched is another matter. Yes, but the gifts will be elaborate, i remember giving a carbboard box (A4 paper box) filled with odds and ends once. Very nice but ultimately very um... pointless in some way. But she liked it so there. And then comes the problem of storage but oh well, you LOVE the person, you just HAVE to display everything. heh.

ANyhow yah so from the thinking, to the gobbledegook to the gifts. Oh yes now i remember the FIRST QUARREL.
IT's bound to happen, it's actually a good thing. If it doesn't, make it happen. COz afterwards you'll feel all warm inside when everybody starts saying "oh i'm so sorry" and"i love you still" etc etc. A little spice never hurt someone.

Of course then for the once sided ones there's always the walking papers. Okay it's not that bad lah, the other side is usually rather sensitive as i've seen. But really the whole chasing game is all about face, how thick yours is that is. I mean if you haven't got the guts to say it then really you should stop wasting the other person's time and more importantly, your time as well. So yeah, if it doesn't work out either try again or accept fate. Trust me, the BIg plan of things works out for the better.

As for the ones that are now in this stage, well i'd say good luck. People are social animals that end up murdering each other. Learn to cherish your other half or adrmiring target, coz really, why spoil a perfectly good memory with negative thoughts.

FOr those still waiting, give it a shot, i mean, get it over and done with, fish don't stay on the hook forever you know?

have a nice day.

Arm still hurts (refer to previous blog)

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