Thursday, February 12, 2004

Valentine's and Dreaming

I'm a dreamer, i totally, absolutely and positively admit that. I'm hopeless. I dream 24/7 really. I'm also the hopeless romantic ( okay not that hopeless, i don't read romance novels but i do enjoy a good love story anytime AS LONG AS IT'S NOT KOREAN)
yup, i just spend my days dreaming of well you know what, so dun ask. No there is absolutely no erotic material in them absolutely none. Just good clean imagination.
I have no idea why i take to dreaming that much, like i said before, maybe i'm just trying to escape from this life. i mean when i doze off/ fall asleep and dream those nice wonderful utopic dreams i actually do smile in my sleep. And well, let's just say reality just likes to slap me real hard when i awake. I would just sure like to slip into a nice coma and just dream my life away, that would be nice wouldn't it. i'm quite sure my mind can handle a few years of absolute silence and segregation from the rest of the world.
And well, at least when i dream i've got lots of friends. Yeah i do have friends in real life but at present they are mostly far away even if they are good friends. LIfe tends to be really lonely where i am. Had to be so blastedly wrenched from one group of friends and dumped into a quagmire of a**holes, yeah there are a few nice guys who are my friends but it's the whole surrounding that just killing me, and it ain't doing it softly.
I sure as hell didn't work so hard just to get here, i don't deserve this, i don't want it so why the heck am i here? Why is always the lousy basta*** that get away with the easy life while those that bother (e.g. moi) ending up with the life that just totally sucks the breathe out of you. MAN, i just don't get it.
And yes, this is turning into a very ungodly blog what with all the swearing and lamenting. i know where the answers are, but they're just so hard to accept. blah blah blah.........
Oh yeah valentine's day is around the corner.
Heh i always thought it was a funny day. Imagine, most major celebrations like christmas and new year and celebrated during the eve and not the day itself right? and on the day itself, most people try to make the most of it by having parties and such but somehow, valentine's day for all it's importance to lovers across the glove, seems only to involve the last 5 hours of each day, i.e. 7-12pm!
funny right? it's like some kind of competition, where everyone kinda competes to see who can spend more money, and do more mushy romantic stuff in that short 5 hours. and one the clock strikes, everything (including the price of flowers thank you) goes back to normal, the winners get boasting rights for the next week of so while the losers just walk around with the nagging feeling that their next valentine's day is going to be a rather lonely one. Funny ain't it.
Somehow, the entire human race chose 5 hours out of 365 days to show off how much they loved their significant other halves. But hey i mean, wouldn't it be well "sweeter" (ewww so saccharine) if you like spread out the loving throughout the whole day or maybe even a year?
i mean if i were a girl, i'd rather get exotic flowers for no special reason on just a normal day rather than knowing that my stupid boyfriend went to spend too much on a bad bouquet of very ugly roses. There so yes valentines day should be everyday.
and here's a another reason so, and this one is for all the singles out there.
YOu blasted couples had to have it all in one day so you can all have that better-that-thou attitude where you get to cuddle in public while singles scurry around trying to busy themselves in the day so that they don't feel that utter loneliness. I mean we all admit it, we all need someone to hug, and things don't get easier if all you see are people are hugging and you're just rushing home to your little room to well um.... sleep?
Yup so this valentine's day, go have some fun with friends, loved one's have another 364 days. :)

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