Sunday, February 22, 2004

As promised, something cheerful

Hey there people, as promised i'm not writing something more cheerful.
Actually this is just a devotional that i though i'd share with everyone. For all the Christians out there, i'll try to share one a week for all you lazy bums who don't do your quiet time. For the non-Christians, some of what i say might not apply to you or mean much, but i think it is still meaningful stuff. If you'd like to know more, you know how to reach me! So do enjoy.

Okay this week's devotional is about leading an unbearable life.

The devotional comes from Matthew 14, it is the account of Jesus walking on water.

But firstly:

Worry, is just the distressed mulling over an issue that one does not have control over.

Stress is acute worry, and often the stress is over an issue that when played out, doesn't hurt as much as imagined or at least lasts much shorter.

Fear, is acute stress, the outcome is somewhat imminent and the consequences dire.

All three lead to an unbearable life.

Now from the account of Jesus walking on water we see three steps in leading a peaceful life free of the above mentioned pains.

1. Visible storms are good for us
In our lives, we face numerous storms. Some are visible, and some are silent. We will dwell mostly on the visible storms for today. But here is a brief on silent storms. We don't know about our silent storms until they're over. Many a times the only way we discover our silent storms is when we accidentally stumble upon the divine intervention that God has placed for us when we did not even know it. What this says is that God is always protecting us( everyone, christian, and non christian alike) even when we don't know that we need the shielding.

So what about visible storms? They are what build us up in our relationship with God. It is through such storms that we see God clearly and tend to grow. As we all know, the hard praying during exam period syndrome hits everyone. Likewise, during crisis, somehow everyone does quiet time a lot more regularly. When things are going well, we tend to neglect our disciplines, let our guard down and that is why it is always good to know that God has our back especially during peaceful times (as stated above)

In matthew 14: 32-33, we see how jesus just sent his disciples away from the thronging crowd of 5000 men (which had grown in emotion that they were ready to lead an uprising in jesus' name, very large potential problem) and straight into the arms of a brutal storm. Now why would he do this? That's because he wanted to show his disciples his true power and to coach them to have faith. Had he not done so, Peter would have never been able to walk on water and gained that precious lesson in faith which brings me to the 2nd point.

2. YOu are never alone in a storm
Often when we are in crisis, we actually may forget God. When the disciples were sent out into the storm they forgot that the Son of Man was just at the shore and failed to cry out to him for help. Imagine God was just there and they forgot about him. But what did Jesus do? Did he forget them? Did he forsake them? NO! He walked over to them on his own accord!
God never likes to see his children suffer so in your time of need he will come to you!Of course GOd expects us to reciprocate his love. Which is point no. 3.

3. Do not be passive about your relationship with God in a storm.

Peter set a really good example of walking up to Jesus amongst the raging waves and wind. Although he ultimately became scared and fell into the water halfway to Jesus, he learnt a very good lesson in faith as did the rest of the disciples. What more, Jesus did not let him just sink, Jesus reched forward and pulled him out! Likewise God will pull us out of our troubles when we call out to him and put our faith in him!

So the main lesson to be learnt is that there is help out there, help that we can trust upon and rely upon. Except that sometimes we let stress boil so muc over us that we fail to recognise help. It's pretty much like the story of the guy stuck in the church in a flood and him asking God why he wasn't saved. So yep, i guess the rest of the interperetation is up to you!

Kudos and have a nice day!

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