Sunday, May 28, 2006


I wonder if i've said this before but i think i'm getting lonely.
The whole time i've been in this university i've felt pretty fine
But now during exams i'm suddenly feeling lonely.
Really lonely.
I go to teh library i eat i chat up my flatmates i go for exams i come back and i am so exhausted and drained. My brain is totally a mess i'm thinking how i should have written a better essay and how i managed to mess up my pet topics. I really don't know. i'm really lost right now and i have NO on to talk to at all noboby nada.
I dunno, i'm just a little lost right now.
OFf to the library

Friday, May 19, 2006

Blue Grey Blue Grey

Dear British Weather...
GOODNESS! i spent like nearly a WHOLE day in the library adn this is what it looked like outside. Sunny for like 1 hour, then Pours for one hour, then sunny for an hour, then inexplicable wind kicks up and skies goes overcast then Sunny and then rain.

Yah errr what was i going to say.......
I forgot......
No brain space left. ROTTING AWAY!!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Exams Freaking out, Library stake outs,

Hi all i am having exams......
Which is why i am now experiencing something i get before ALL exams. A panic attack. Strange that i just emailed my parents that i'm feeling better.
Guess i'm not.
I know my cries are being heard. I know my cries will be answered. Why then do i fear the answer? I know that no matter what the answer is it is for the best.
Nothing is going into my head. And if i'm blogging then my brain is REALLY hit full capacity the annoying thing is that all i have in my head is a bunch of fluff. FLUFF!!!
I spent like 10 hours in teh library and NOTHING is going in. It's just one big... black hole stuff goes in but i don't know where it goes or if it even disintegrates.
Oh well.

Not much aboutmy life.
I'mnow field captain of the archery club which basically i'm doing the things i did for the past two years in NS. oh well...

Yeah i'm depressed. Very depressed.
too bad england is devoid of tall buildings to jump off from..

See you on the ther side of exams